Elaine 11th April 2020

Mel and I met in the late 1990s, when we were recruited together to form part of a new team in the DTI’s Finance Division. While we might not have been the most efficient team ever, we were almost definitely the happiest! - we clicked from the first day, and had so much fun in a not-conspicuously fun environment. After we moved on to different posts we stayed in touch - and remained in close contact even after I moved up to Scotland after meeting Alan (my husband) in 2000. Mel came to visit us regularly and Alan regarded him as a friend as well; he was with us for the weekend when we collected our lovely first dog, Tinker, and loved to be kept in touch with photos and stories about Tinker’s development. He was such good company that we were delighted when he agreed to accompany us on holidays to Orkney and, most recently, to Wales. Mel and I had a love of the arts in common, and when I was down for a visit to London would usually manage to meet up to see a play or visit a museum or exhibition. We spent an equal amount of time not being intellectual at all, just chatting and laughing. I can’t think of any time I spent with Mel that I didn’t wholeheartedly enjoy; he was kind, thoughtful and we laughed at all the same things. I visited London at the beginning of March and we spent a day together - and though just now it’s hard to think of that without tears, I am so pleased we had that time together. Mel was such a dear friend to me and I expected us to have many more years to enjoy our friendship. I miss him.